It will soon be the KSM Extravaganza on 20th July – the great alternative to the village fete. Organised by FOSMAA, with participation from many village groups, events will be centred around the church, village hall and Stubbs Lane.
The Kington St Michael
E x t r a v a g a n z a
Sunday 20th July 2014
All day fun starts at 12.30
Crafts & side shows. Tug-of-War Challenge
Pimms & Beer Tent. Fun Dog & Pet Show.
The Jezter. Homemade Teas. Competitions.
Dancing. Gifts. Bands. Plants.
Woodlouse racing. Chocolate Fountain.
Penalty Shootout. Stalls galore. Bouncy Castle.
Hog Roast. Jazzy Band. Dancing.
Funds for the upkeep and refurbishment of our 12th century church